Why you should consider working remotely as a UX designer

Claire Freshney
4 min readOct 12, 2021

Visit my website https://www.clairefreshney.com/

While I am a staunch advocate of working remotely, I see more and more companies are adopting a work from home policy. Like many, you may have been sceptical at first, or even put off by the idea. However, if done right, remote working can provide major benefits for both the business and its employees.

I love the phrase, “do what you love and you will never work a day in your life”. This is so true and one of the most important things for me to achieve this, was to work remotely.

As a freelancer, I have the privilege to work from anywhere, as long as I have a working laptop and an internet connection. When you work freelance, it can be hard to explain this lifestyle to others. A lot of people struggle with the idea and it’s not for everyone. But if you love what you do and you can convince your clients that your skills are what they need with the right approach, who knows where it could take you.

I can freelance from my home, a coffee shop in London or even at home. The location doesn’t matter because I am meeting clients via Skype calls or video calls such as Google Hangouts, so they could be anywhere in the world.

I’ve met some wonderful people and had some fantastic career opportunities working freelance and I can do what I love. To have the ability to travel while at the same time working and building my UX design business is a luxury many don’t have.

If you work as a freelance UX designer, or as part of a design team, working from home can be something that increases productivity and allows for greater flexibility. This means it can help you to build your business and manage your time more effectively. However, there are some things to consider when making the transition from working in an office to being freelance.

When you start as a freelance UX designer, it may be hard to get your first client and this can put people off working from home. However, if you have experience and skills, you can use freelance marketplaces such as People Per Hour and Upwork to help find freelance opportunities.

Working freelance means you must be your boss, so there is no one to tell you what to do or when. You need to decide how much work you want to take on, the rate that you will charge and deliver the completed projects to your clients. This means it’s essential to be organised and plan so that you are always ready for work.

There are also downsides to freelance that need to be considered carefully before quitting your job to freelance full time. Many freelance marketplaces charge a commission fee of 20%, so your freelance rate may not represent what you will end up with once the freelance marketplace fees have been deducted from your project rate.

A freelance UX designer is responsible for their taxes, insurance and retirement savings. It’s a good idea to make a plan at the start of your freelance career. You will also most likely miss out on things you’d get in an office environment such as free lunch, gym membership, social events and other benefits.

It might seem a little daunting at first, but it’s very easy to work anywhere as a freelance UX designer. I have put together a list of reasons why you should consider working remotely as a UX designer. It might just give you the push you need to start a freelance or freelance part-time so that you can enjoy the benefits sooner.

Seen as a lifestyle choice

Working freelance is something many people aspire to because it’s seen as the ultimate position for those who want to work on their terms and do what they love. People may choose this career because they have young families and want more flexible hours. They may also work freelance because it allows them to travel the world while still bringing home a monthly wage.

Working freelance means that you will be responsible for your well-being. You will need to take responsibility for your finances, insurance and savings, as well as time management and organisation. However, it can be very rewarding and you will get to do what you love every day.

More freedom

Working freelance gives you the freedom to choose where your work takes you. You may live near a city that has many freelance opportunities or just wants to work for one company far away from home. The location doesn’t matter because as a freelance UX designer, you will be working remotely.

You also have the freedom to choose what type of freelance projects you want to work on. If you live in a country where good pay rates are not available for freelance work, or freelance opportunities are few and far between, you can choose to take work from other countries that offer freelance rates that suit your financial needs.

With freelance, you can earn a good wage wherever you live and enjoy the freedom to work from anywhere in the world.

Flexibility freelance opportunities provide

As a freelance UX designer, you will have flexible working hours so that you can set your own pace. You can take on as much or as little freelance work as is needed for your current situation.

Working freelance means you will be able to pick up extra freelance work during busy times of the year, such as Christmas and New Year while reducing the freelance load during other times. You can also choose to take on freelance opportunities that fit in with other projects or jobs that you are working on simultaneously.

Very attractive right? Do you think freelance is for you? Let’s chat.



Claire Freshney

Claire is a User Experience Designer working across Cheshire and Manchester with over 10 years experience. www.clairefreshney.com